173 CrossFit Hero WODs – Workouts That Respect Our Fallen Heroes

What are CrossFit Hero WODs?

These workouts are named after fallen Heroes and are intended to be some of the most intense and brutal workouts you can engage in; dig deep and find the strength to endure and push through in respect of these Heroes.

They are named after military, fire and police heroes that have given their lives for their fellow Americans.

Table of Contents show


21-15-9 | For Time


Ring Dips



3 rounds | For Time

800 meter run

50 back extensions

50 sit-ups


 For Time

1 mile run

100 pull-ups

200 push-ups

300 squats

1 mile run

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.


For Time

50 Pull-ups

400 meter run

21 Thrusters (95 lbs.)

800 meter run

21 Thrusters (95 lbs.)

400 meter run

50 Pull-ups


For Time

21 Overhead squat (95 lbs.)

42 Pull-ups

15 Overhead squat (95 lbs.)

30 Pull-ups

9 Overhead squat (95 lbs.)

18 Pull-ups


For Time

100 Squats

5 Muscle-ups

75 Squats

10 Muscle-ups

50 Squats

15 Muscle-ups

25 Squats

20 Muscle-ups


3 rounds | For Time

30 Squat cleans (95 lbs.)

30 Pull-ups

800 meter run


3 rounds | For Time

21 Dumbbell snatches, right arm (40 lbs.)

21 L Pull-ups

21 Dumbbell snatches, left arm (40 lbs.)

21 L Pull-ups

*squat not power snatches


20 min | AMRAP

2 Muscle-ups

4 Handstand Push-ups

8 Kettlebell swings (2 pood)


For Time

75 power snatches (75 lbs.)

Tommy V

For Time

21 thrusters (115 lbs.)

12 rope climbs (15 ft.)

15 thrusters (115 lbs.)

9 rope climbs (15 ft.)

9 thrusters (115 lbs.)

6 rope climbs (15 ft.)


For Time

800 meter run

400 meter run backwards

800 meter run

400 meter run backwards


5 rounds | For Time

7 Muscle-ups

21 Burpees

*Each burpee terminates with a jump one foot above max standing reach.


5 rounds | For Time

15 dumbbell split cleans (40 lbs.)

21 pull-ups

Mr. Joshua

5 rounds | For Time

400 meter run

30 Glute-ham sit-ups

15 deadlifts (250 lbs.)


5 rounds | For Time

12 deadlifts (155 lbs.)

9 hang power cleans (155 lbs.)

6 push jerks (155 lbs.)


20 min | AMRAP

30 box jumps (24 inch)

20 push press (115 lbs.)

30 pull-ups


5 rounds | For Time

30 Kettlebell swings (2 pood)

30 Burpees

30 Glute-ham sit-ups


5 rounds | For Time

7 Muscle-ups

21 Sumo-deadlift high-pulls (95 lbs.)

Lumberjack 20

For Time

20 Deadlifts (275 lbs.)

400 meter run

20 KB swings (2 pood)

400 meter run

20 Overhead Squats (115 lbs.)

400 meter run

20 Burpees

400 meter run

20 chest to bar pull-ups

400 meter run

20 Box jumps (24″)

400 meter run

20 DB Squat Cleans (45 lbs. each)

400 meter run


30-25-20-15-10-5 | For Time

GHD sit-ups

Back extensions

Knees to elbow

Stiff legged deadlift (95 lbs.)


3 rounds | For Time

75 squats

25 ring handstand push-ups

25 L pull-ups

War Frank

3 rounds | For Time

25 Muscle-ups

100 Squats

35 GHD situps


30 min | AMRAP

5 deadlifts (275 lbs.)

13 push-ups

9 box jumps (24″)


5 rounds | For Time

50 Double unders

35 Knees to elbows

20 yard overhead walk (185 lbs.)


For Time

1 mile run

2K row

1 mile run


For Time

10 Handstand push-ups

15 Deadlifts (250 lbs.)

25 Box jumps (30″)

50 Pull-ups

100 Wallball shots (20 lbs., 10′)

200 Double-unders

400 meter run with a 45 lb. plate


For Time

With a single 2 pood kettlebell:

21 Turkish get-ups, Right arm

50 Swings

21 Overhead squats, Left arm

50 Swings

21 Overhead squats, Right arm

50 Swings

21 Turkish get-ups, Left arm

The Seven

7 rounds | For Time

7 Handstand push-ups

7 Thrusters (135 lbs.)

7 Knees to elbows

7 Deadlifts (245 lbs.)

7 Burpees

7 Kettlebell swings (2 pood)

7 Pull-ups


5 rounds | For Time

800 meter run

5 rope climbs (15 ft.)

50 Push-ups


3 rounds | For Time

1K run

10 Muscle-ups

100 squats

*Wear a 20 lb. vest


20 min | AMRAP

9 Deadlifts (245 lbs.)

8 Muscle-ups

9 Squat cleans (155 lbs.)


5 rounds | For Time

15 Deadlifts (225 lbs.)

20 Box jumps (24″)

25 Pull-ups


Adam Brown

2 rounds | For Time

24 Deadlifts (295 lbs.)

24 Box jumps (24″)

24 Wallball shots (20 lbs.)

24 Bench press (195 lbs.)

24 Box jumps (24″)

24 Wallball shots (20 lbs.)

24 Cleans (145 lbs.)


10 rounds | For Time

10 Thrusters (95 lbs.)

10 Ring push-ups


For Time

50 Strict Pull-ups

100 hand release push-ups

5K run

*If you’ve got a 20 lb. vest or body armor, wear it


3 rounds | For Time

800 meter run

30 Dumbbell squat cleans (50 lbs.)

30 burpees


20 min | AMRAP

10 Push press (115 lbs.)

10 KB swings (1.5 pood)

10 Box jumps (24″)


 3 rounds | For Time

20 L pull-ups

30 toes to bar

40 Burpees

800 meter run


10 rounds | For Time

150 meter run

7 Chest to bar pull-ups

7 Front squats (135 lbs.)

7 Handstand push-ups


5 rounds | For Time

100 foot bear crawl

100 foot standing broad jump

Do 3 burpees after every 5 broad jumps. If you’ve got a 20 lb. vest or body armor, wear it.


4 rounds | For Time

100 foot walking lunge with 45 lb. plate overhead

30 box jumps (24″)

20 wallball shots (20 lbs.)

10 handstand push-ups


6 rounds | For Time

400 meter sandbag carry (50 lbs.)

12 Push press (115 lbs.)

12 box jumps (24″)

12 sumo deadlift high-pulls (95 lbs.)



10 rounds | For Time

1 rope climb (15 ft.)

29 back squats (95 lbs.)

10 meter barbell farmer carry (135 lbs.)

*begin the rope climbs seated on the floor


 5 rounds | For Time

22 Kettlebell swings (2 pood)

22 Box jumps (24″)

400 meter run

22 Burpees

22 Wall ball shots (20 lbs.)


2 rounds | For Time

200 Double-unders

50 Overhead squat (135 lbs.)

50 Pull-ups

1 mile run


20 min | For Time

6 Deadlifts (225 lbs.)

7 Burpee pull-ups

10 Kettlebell swings (2 pood)

200 meter run


10 rounds | For Time

5 Thruster (115 lbs.)

10 Pull-ups

100 meter Sprint

Rest 1 minute


20 min | For Time

5 Parallette handstand push-ups

10 Toes through rings

15 Medicine ball cleans (20 lbs.)


7 rounds | For Time

15 KB swings (1.5 pood)

15 Power cleans (95 lbs.)

15 Box jumps (24″)



3 rounds | For Time

9 Muscle-up

15 Burpee pull-ups

21 Pull-ups

800 meter run

*If you’ve got a 20 lb. vest or body armor, wear it


4 rounds | For Time

10 L-pull-ups

15 Push-ups

15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

15 Push-ups

20 Pull-ups

15 Push-ups


For Time

1 mile run

21 clean and jerks (155 lbs.)

800 meter run

21 clean and jerks (155 lbs.)

1 mile run


5 rounds | For Time

5 Power cleans (135 lbs.)

10 Front squats (135 lbs.)

5 Jerks (135 lbs.)

20 Pull-ups

Rest 90 seconds


20 min | AMRAP

1 rope climb (15 ft.)

400 meter run

Max rep handstand push-ups


6 rounds | For Time

50 squats

25 ring dips


7 rounds | For Time

10 dumbbell hand splt snatches, right arm (40 lbs.)

1 rope climb (15 ft.)

10 dumbbell hand split snatches, left arm (40 lbs.)

1 rope climb (15 ft.)

*alternate feet in the split snatch sets


3 rounds | For Time

1000 meter row

50 burpees

50 box jumps (24″)

800 meter run


50-40-30-20-10 | For Time

Wallball shots (20 lbs.)

Box jumps (24″)

KB swings (1.5 pood)


7 rounds | For Time

400 meter run

29 Back squats (135 lbs.)

Gator8 rounds | For Time

5 Front squats (185 lbs.)

26 Ring push-ups


10 rounds | For Time

100 meter sprint

10 Pull-ups

100 meter sprint

10 Burpees

Rest 30 seconds


For Time

20 Muscle-ups

25 Lowers from an inverted hang on the rings, slowly, with straight body and arms

30 Ring handstand push-ups

35 Ring rows

40 Ring push-ups


7 rounds | For Time

18 Dumbbell hang squat cleans (35 lbs.)

18 Pull-ups

10 Power cleans (135 lbs.)

10 Handstand push-ups


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 | For Time

Squat clean (95 lbs.)


Deadlift (185 lbs.)

Box jump (24″)

Begin each round with a 50 meter Bear crawl.


10 rounds | For Time

3 Handstand push-ups

6 Deadlifts (225 lbs.)

12 Pull-ups

24 Double-unders


5 rounds | For Time

3 rope climbs (15 ft.)

10 Toes to bar

21 Walking lunge steps with 45 lb. plate overhead

400 meter run


3 rounds | AMRAP

1 minute squat cleans (155 lbs.)

1 minute of 20′ Shuttle sprints (20′ forward + 20′ backwards = 1 rep)

1 minute deadlifts (245 lbs.)

1 minute burpees

1 minute jerks (155 lbs.)

1 minute rest


5 rounds | For Time

400 meter run

10 burpee box jumps (24″)

10 sumo-deadlift high-pulls (95 lbs.)

10 thrusters (95 lbs.)

1 minute rest


For Time

2 mile run

Rest 2 minutes

20 Squat cleans (135 lbs.)

20 Box jump (24″)

20 Walking lunge steps with 45lb plate held overhead

20 Box jump (24″)

20 Squat cleans (135 lbs.)

Rest 2 minutes

2 mile run

*If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.


20 min | AMRAP

10 Pull-ups

5 dumbbell Deadlift (75 lbs.)

8 Push-press (135 lbs.)

Dae Han

For Time

800 meter run with a 45 lb. barbell

3 rope climbs (15 ft.)

12 thrusters (135 lbs.)


5 rounds | For Time

12 deadlifts (225 lbs.)

20 pull-ups

12 clean and jerks (135 lbs.)

20 knees to elbows


12 min | AMRAP

12 box jumps (24″)

6 thrusters (95 lbs.)

6 bar facing burpees


25 min | For Time

11 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

2 Deadlifts (315 lbs.)

10 Handstand push-ups


4 rounds | For Time

27 Box jumps (24″)

20 Burpees

11 Squat cleans (145 lbs.)


For Time

25 Burpees

400 meter run with a 20 lb. medicine ball

25 Weighted pull-ups with a 20 lb. dumbbell

400 meter run with a 20 lb. medicine ball

25 Handstand push-ups

400 meter run with a 20 lb. medicine ball

25 Chest-to-bar pull-ups

400 meter run with a 20 lb. medicine ball

25 Burpees


3 rounds | For Time

5 Front squat (165 lbs.)

18 Pull-ups

5 Deadlift (225 lbs.)

18 Toes-to-bar

5 Push jerk (165 lbs.)

18 Hand-release push-ups


For Time

1 Squat clean (185 lbs.)

10 Parallette handstand push-ups

2 Squat clean (185 lbs.)

9 Parallette handstand push-ups

3 Squat clean (185 lbs.)

8 Parallette handstand push-ups

4 Squat clean (185 lbs.)

7 Parallette handstand push-ups

5 Squat clean (185 lbs.)

6 Parallette handstand push-ups

6 Squat clean (185 lbs.)

5 Parallette handstand push-ups

7 Squat clean (185 lbs.)

4 Parallette handstand push-ups

8 Squat clean (185 lbs.)

3 Parallette handstand push-ups

9 Squat clean (185 lbs.)

2 Parallette handstand push-ups

10 Squat clean (185 lbs.)

1 Parallette handstand push-up

Jag 28

For Time

800 meter run

28 Kettlebell swings (2 pood)

28 Strict Pull-ups

28 Kettlebell clean and jerk (2 pood each)

28 Strict Pull-ups

800 meter run


3 rounds | For Time

5 rope climbs (15 ft.)

25 back squats (185 lbs.)


12 rounds | For Time

10 dumbbell hang squat cleans (45 lbs.)

6 handstand push-ups


8 rounds | For Time

600 meter run

11 Weighted pull-up (1.5 pood)

11 Walking lunge steps, carrying 1.5 pood kettlebells

11 Kettlebell thrusters (1.5 pood)


8 rounds | For Time

200 meter run

11 dumbbell burpee deadlifts (60 lb. dumbbells)


9 rounds | For Time

7 squat cleans (185 lbs.)

8 burpee box jumps (36″)


4 rounds | For Time

800 meter run

40 pull-ups

70 push-ups


4 rounds | For Time

200 meter swim

23 dumbbell squat cleans (40 lbs.)


30 rounds | For Time

5 wallball shots (20 lbs.)

3 handstand push-ups

1 power clean (225 lbs.)


7 rounds | For Time

3 forward rolls

5 wall climbs

7 toes to bar

9 box jumps (30″)


For Time

30 Clean and jerk (135 lbs.)

1 mile run

10 Rope climbs (15 ft.)

1 mile run

100 Burpees


25 min | AMRAP

7 Muscle-ups

11 Thrusters (155 lbs.)

14 Toes-to-bar


4 rounds | For Time

8 Deadlifts (250 lbs.)

16 Burpees

3 Rope climbs (15 ft.)

600 meter run


For Time

Run 10 miles

150 Burpee pull-ups

Partition the run and burpee pull-ups as needed.


5 rounds | For Time

1000 meter row

200 meter Farmer carry with 45 lb. dumbbells

50 meter waiter walk with 45 lb. dumbbell, Right arm

50 meter waiter walk with 45 lb. dumbbell, Left arm


6 rounds | For Time

24 Squats

24 Push-ups

24 Walking lunge steps

400 meter run


10 rounds | For Time

11 Chest to bar pull-ups

22 Front squat (75 lbs.)


45 min | AMRAP

800 meter run

80 Squats

8 Muscle-ups


3 rounds | For Time

1000 meter row

50 Push-ups

1000 meters run

50 Pull-ups


3 rounds | For Time

30 Wall ball shots (20 lbs.)

30 Sumo deadlift high-pull (75 lbs.)

30 Box jump (20″)

30 Push press (75 lbs.)

30 calorie row

30 Push-ups

10 Body weight Back squats


18 min | AMRAP

200 meter run

9 Deadlifts (275 lbs.)

6 Burpee bar muscle-ups 


For Time

50 Walking lunge steps

25 Chest to bar pull-ups

50 Box jumps, (24″)

25 Triple-unders

50 Back extensions

25 Ring dips

50 Knees to elbows

25 Wallball “2-fer-1s”, (20 lbs)

50 Sit-ups

5 Rope climb (15 ft.)


For Time

30 GHD sit-ups

15 Squat cleans (155 lbs.)

24 GHD sit-ups

12 Squat cleans (155 lbs.)

18 GHD sit-ups

9 Squat cleans (155 lbs.)

12 GHD sit-ups

6 Squat cleans (155 lbs.)

6 GHD sit-ups

3 Squat cleans (155 lbs.)


2 rounds | For Time

800 meter run

Then two rounds of:

50 Burpees

40 Pull-ups

30 One-legged squats

20 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood

10 Handstand push-ups


800 meter run


For Time

10 Rope climbs (15 ft.)

20 Back squats (225 lbs.)

30 Handstand push-ups

40 calorie row


For Time

10 Thrusters (95 lbs.)

15 Bar-facing burpees

20 Thrusters (95 lbs.)

25 Bar-facing burpees

30 Thrusters (95 lbs.)

35 Bar-facing burpees


For Time

1 mile run with a 20 lb. medicine ball

60 Burpee pull-ups

800 meter run with a 20 lb. medicine ball

30 Burpee pull-ups

400 meter run with a 20 lb. medicine ball

15 Burpee pull-ups


4 rounds | For Time

400 meter run

24 back squats (185 lbs.)

24 jerks (135 lbs.)


For Time

6k run

60 burpee pull-ups

*If you’ve got body armor or a thirty pound vest, wear it.


25 min | AMRAP


8 box jumps (30 inch)

1 rope climb (15 ft.)


21-15-9-9-15-21 | For Time

Deadlifts (225 lbs.)



7 rounds | For Time

8 Muscle-ups

22 yard Farmer carry (50 lb. dumbbells)


4 rounds | For Time

200 meter run

11 thrusters (135 lbs.)

200 meter run

11 push press (135 lbs.)

200 meter run

11 bench press (135 lbs.)


For Time

66 Deadlifts (110 lbs.)

66 Box jump (24 inch)

66 Kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)

66 Knees to elbows

66 Sit-ups

66 Pull-ups

66 Thrusters (55 pounds)

66 Wall ball shots (20 lb.)

66 Burpees

66 Double-unders


For Time

5k run

4 minutes to find 4 rep max Deadlift

Run 5k

4 minutes to find 4 rep max Push jerk


4 rounds | For Time

22 Burpee pull-ups

22 Back squats (185 lbs.)

200 meter run with a 45 pound plate overhead


5 rounds | For Time

400 meter run

1 Deadlift (345 lbs.)

3 Squat cleans (185 lbs)

5 Push jerks (185 lbs.)

3 Muscle-ups

1 Rope climb (15 ft.)


3 rounds | For Time

800 meter run

5 Front squats (225 lbs.)

200 meter run

11 Chest to bar pull-ups

400 meter run

12 Kettlebell swings (2 pood)


For Time

800 meter run

50 Back squats (135 lbs.)

50 Bench press (135 lbs.)

800 meter run

35 Back squats (135 lbs.)

35 Bench press (135 lbs.)

800 meter run

20 Back squats (135 lbs.)

20 Bench press (135 lbs.)

800 meter run

1 Muscle-up


10 min | AMRAP

8 Toes to bar

8 Dumbbell thrusters (35 lbs.)

12 steps dumbbell walking lunge (35 lbs.)


20 min | AMRAP

8 Strict Pull-ups

8 Box jumps (36″)

12 Kettlebell swings (2 pood)


4 rounds | For Time

400 meter run

5 burpee muscle-ups

*If you’ve got a 20-lb. vest or body armor, wear it.


30-20-10 | For Time

Body-weight back squats

Body-weight bench presses

Strict pull-ups


30 min | AMRAP

8 minutes to complete:

1-mile run

Max reps deadlifts (315 lbs.)

Then, 10 minutes to complete:

1-mile run

Max reps power cleans (225 lbs.)

Then, 12 minutes to complete:

1-mile run

Max reps overhead squats (135 lbs.)

Do not rest between rounds. Score is run times and reps completed for each exercise


5 rounds | For Time

11 back squats (185 lbs.)

7 strict burpee pull-ups

400 meter run

During each burpee pull-up perform a strict push-up, jump to a bar that is ideally 12 inches above your max standing reach, and perform a strict pull-up.


5 rounds | For Time

31 back squats (135 lbs.)

12 power cleans (185 lbs.)


5 rounds | For Time

5 front squats (225 lbs.)

5 rope climbs (15 ft.)

400-meter run with a 45-lb. plate


3 rounds | For Time

21 deadlifts (185 lbs.)

15 pull-ups

9 front squats (185 lbs.)


28 min | AMRAP

9 overhead squats (115 lbs.)

1 legless rope climb (15 ft.) begin seated

12 bench presses (115 lbs.)


3 rounds | For Time

32 deadlifts (185 lbs.)

32 hanging hip touches, alternating arms

800 meter running farmer carry (15 lb. dumbbells)


30 min | AMRAP

50-yard swim

10 push-ups

15 squats


For Time

1.5 mile run

150 burpees

1.5 mile run


For Time

2 x 100-meter shuttle sprint

2 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells

4 x 100-meter shuttle sprint

4 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells

6 x 100-meter shuttle sprint

6 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells

8 x 100-meter shuttle sprint

8 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells

10 x 100-meter shuttle sprint

10 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells

12 x 100-meter shuttle sprint

12 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells

14 x 100-meter shuttle sprint

14 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells

16 x 100-meter shuttle sprint

16 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells


7 rounds | For Time

11 body-weight back squats

1,000-meter row


7 rounds | For Time

11 body-weight deadlifts

100-meter sprint


7 rounds | For Time

11 deficit handstand push-ups

1,000-meter run


20 min | AMRAP

20 overhead squats (45 lbs.)

20 back squats (45 lbs.)

400-meter run


For Time

100 thrusters (135 lbs.)

100 chest-to-bar pull-ups

6 mile run

Partition the thrusters, pull-ups and run as needed.


For Time

400 meter run

15 clean and jerks (155 lbs.)

400 meter run

30 toes-to-bars

400 meter run

45 wall-ball shots (20/14)

400 meter run

45 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)

400 meter run

30 ring dips

400 meter run

15 steps weighted lunges (155 lbs.)

400 meter run


25 min | AMRAP

8 freestanding handstand push-ups

1 ascent L-sit rope climb (15 ft.)


For Time

Run 5 miles

Run in 5-minute intervals, stopping after each to perform 50 squats and 50 push-ups before beginning the next 5-minute run interval.


20 min | AMRAP

13 reps bench press (170 lbs.)

Then, complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

7 chest-to-bar pull-ups

77 double-unders

2 squat clean thrusters (170 lbs.)

28 sit-ups


3 rounds | For Time

800 meter run

7 deadlifts (275 lbs.)

10 burpee pull-ups

14 single arm kettlebell thrusters (53 lbs.), 7 each arm

20 box jumps (24″)


5 rounds | For Time

35 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)

30 push-ups

25 pull-ups

20 box jumps (30″)

1 mile run


2 rounds | For Time

34 push-ups

50-yard sprint

34 deadlifts (135 lbs.)

50-yard sprint

34 box jumps (24″)

50-yard sprint

34 clean and jerks (95 lbs.)

50-yard sprint

34 burpees

50-yard sprint

34 wall-ball shots (20 lbs.)

50-yard sprint

34 pull-ups

50-yard sprint


For Time

100 push-ups

800 meter run

75 push-ups

1,200 meter run

50 push-ups

1,600 meter run

25 push-ups

2,000 meter run


5 rounds | For Time

3 cleans (225 lbs.)

200-meter sprint

20 kettlebell snatches (1.5 pood), 10 each arm

Rest 2 minutes


8 rounds | For Time

1.5 mile run

Then, 8 rounds of:

19 pull-ups

19 push-ups

19 burpees


400-meter sandbag carry (heavy)

1-mile farmers carry with 45-lb. dumbbells


5 rounds | For Time

10 back squats (225 lbs.)

10 deadlifts (275 lbs.)

400-meter sprint

Rest 2 minutes


3 rounds | For Time

21 pull-ups


9 thursters (135 lbs.)


7 rounds | For Time

400 meters run

21 walking lunges

15 pull-ups

9 burpees

*If you have a 20 lb. weight vest or body armor, wear it.


5 rounds | For Time

20 thrusters (75 lbs.)

10 strict ring dips

20 push-ups

10 strict handstand push-ups

50-meter bear crawl


7 rounds | For Time

11 back squats, (185 lbs.)

10 jerks (135 lbs.)


26 min | AMRAP

10 pull-ups

15 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood)

20 box jumps (24″)


9 rounds | For Time

9 rounds for time with a partner of:

9 bar muscle-ups

11 clean and jerks (155 lbs.)

50-yard buddy carry

Share the work with your partner however you choose with only one person working at a time. If you can’t find a partner, perform 5 reps of each exercise per round and find a heavy sandbag to carry.


35 min | AMRAP

On a 35-minute clock with a partner:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:

30 double-unders

15 pull-ups

15 push-ups

100-meter sprint

Then, 5 minutes to find a 1-rep-max partner deadlift

For the AMRAP, have one partner work while the other rests, switching after a full round is completed. If you’re performing without a partner, rest 60 seconds between each round, and find a regular 1-rep-max deadlift.

Matt 16

For Time

16 deadlifts (275 lbs.)

16 hang power cleans (185 lbs.)

16 push presses (135 lbs.)

800 meter run

16 deadlifts (275 lbs.)

16 hang power cleans (185 lbs.)

16 push presses (135 lbs.)

800 meter run

16 deadlifts (275 lbs.)

16 hang power cleans (185 lbs.)

16 push presses (135 lbs.)


15-12-9-6-3 | For Time

Power cleans (135 lbs.)


Front squats (135 lbs.)



23 min | AMRAP

9 chest-to-bar pull-ups

15 power cleans (135 lbs.)

21 squats

400-meter run with a 45-lb. plate


20 min | AMRAP

1 rope climb (15 ft.)

5 burpees

200 meter run

*If you’ve got a 20-lb. vest or body armor, wear it.


For Time

1-mile run

100 push-ups

100-meter bear crawl

1-mile run

100-meter bear crawl

100 push-ups

1-mile run

Big Sexy

5 rounds | For Time

6 deadlifts (315 lbs.)

6 burpees

5 cleans (225 lbs.)

5 chest-to-bar pull-ups

4 thrusters (155 lbs.)

4 muscle-ups


3 rounds | For Time

4 jerks (185 lbs.)

5 front squats (185 lbs.)

6 power cleans (185 lbs.)

40 pull-ups

50 push-ups

60 sit-ups

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.


4 rounds | For Time

800 meter run

49 push-ups

49 sit-ups

49 squats


For Time

100 calorie row

75 thrusters (45 lbs.)

50 pull-ups

75 wall-ball shots (20 lbs.)

100 calorie row

*If you’ve got a 20 lb. vest or body armor, wear it.


For Time

10 bench press (185 lbs.)

10 strict pull-ups

Max set thrusters (135 lbs.)


5 rounds | For Time

50 step-ups with 45-lb. barbell, 20″ box

15 cleans (135 lbs.)

50 step-ups with 45-lb. barbell, 20″. box

10 snatches (135 lbs.)


For time:

Run 1 mile with a 20-lb. medicine ball

Then, 8 rounds of:

10 wall-ball shots

1 rope ascent

Run 800 meters with a 20-lb. medicine ball

Then, 4 rounds of:

10 wall-ball shots

1 rope ascent

Run 400 meters with a 20-lb. medicine ball

Then, 2 rounds of:

10 wall-ball shots

1 rope ascent


10 rounds | For time

With a 55-lb. and 35-lb. dumbbell –

200-meter farmers carry with both dumbbells

10 reps 35-lb. weighted pull-ups

20 reps 55-lb. dumbbell power snatches, alternating arms


20 min | AMRAP

1 deadlift (405 lbs.)

10 toes-to-bars

15 bar-facing burpees


20 min | AMRAP

5 pull-ups

10 push-ups

15 squats

5 pull-ups

10 thrusters (95 lbs.)


For Time

2 kilometer run

22 wallballs (30 lbs.)

22 muscle-ups

22 wallballs (30 lbs.)

22 power cleans (185 lbs.).

22 wallballs (30 lbs.)

2 kilometer run


5 Rounds | For Reps

3 minutes of rope climbs

2 minutes of squats

2 minutes of push-ups

3 minutes to run 400 meters

*Wear a weight vest or body armor

*When you finish the run, rest the remainder of the 3 minutes before starting the next round


25 min | AMRAP

1.5 mile run


11 Chest to bar pull-ups

7 Hang squat cleans (155 lbs.)

7 Push press (155 lbs.)

Paul Pena

7 Rounds | Each for time

100 meter sprint

19 KB swings (2 pood)

10 burpee box jumps (30 inch)

3 minute rest

Tim Rollins, Editor

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