When you do a CrossFit WOD (Workout of the Day), you’re typically working out by yourself in a class full of people. Doing the exercises with a partner adds a different dimension of fitness and fun.
Depending on the WOD, you can split the movement reps between partners, do the movement while the other rests, or doing the same exercise together.
In this post, we’ll detail 12 of the best partner workouts for CrossFit you should try.
Why Partner Workouts?
Partner workouts are a change of pace from the typical WOD where you’re by yourself in a class under a coach. They offer several advantages.
- Meet Somebody New. If you are new to a box, want to get to know others, or are uncomfortable talking to strangers, you’ll have a chance to meet somebody new in a structured situation.
- More Fun. It’s easier when you’re with someone else to laugh and not take yourself too seriously.
- Moral Support. Having someone around to cheer you one-on-one can motivate you to do better or go the extra mile.
- Accountability. If somebody is watching you, you’re motivated to keep up and to do the movements correctly. You won’t want to fall behind or that will mean more work for your partner.
- Friendly Competition. You’ll push each other to do better, especially if you try to outdo each other by being faster, using more weight, or doing more reps.
- Constructive Critique. A partner can tell you when you’re breaking form or need to do the workout in a better way. He or she is also a built-in spotter for WODs that involve weightlifting.
The next time you’re at your box, try out these 12 partner workouts.
Best Partner Workouts for CrossFit
1. Haley Adams from Morning Chalkup
Do six rounds for time. One partner completes a round as the other rests. The time ends when the last partner completes the last deadlift.
Each round consists of the following:
- 21-calorie Row
- 15 Burpee Box Jumpovers at 24 in. for men or 20 in. for women.
- 9 Deadlifts at 315 lbs. for men or 220 lbs. for women.
2. Jumping Kettlebell from Athletic Muscle.
AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) for 20 minutes.
Partner A runs for 400 meters while Partner B does an AMRAP of:
- 20 Kettlebell Swings
- 20 Box Jumps
When Partner A returns, Partner B does the run while Partner A does the swings and box jumps.
Related: Another partner WOD with box jumps we love: 31 Heroes.
3. Partner Carry
This WOD works best if the partners are of the same weight and fitness level.
For time:
- 200-meter Buddy Carry. One partner carries the other over the shoulder or in a Fireman’s Carry. Switch at the end.
4. I’m Burying You from Krypton Athletics
For time, divide each exercise between partners as needed.
- 100-calorie Dual-Action Bike
- 100 Deadlifts at 225 lbs. for men or 175 lbs. for women
- 100-calorie Dual-Action Bike
- 50 wall walks
- 100 calorie Dual Action Bike
- 100 Deadlifts 255.175
- 100-calorie Dual Action Bike
5. Smette, a Hero WOD from CrossFit Fargo
This Hero WOD is named for Sgt. Keith L. Smette, a North Dakota Army National Guardsman, who died in died in 2004 when a bomb exploded next to his convoy north of Fallujah, Iraq.
Do the following for time.
- 4000-meter Row for men or 3,000 meters for women. For a mixed male/female pair, row for 3,500 meters.
- As Partner A rows as far as possible, Partner B finishes an AMRAP of:
- 5 Toes-to-Bar.
- 10 Wall Balls at 20 lbs. for men or 14 lbs. for women.
- 15 Push-Ups.
Partner A then does the AMRAP while Partner B does rowing. Switch as needed.
6. High Five from Men’s Fitness
AMRAP for 15 minutes.
- 8 Power Cleans for Partner A.
- 8 Overhead Presses for Partner B.
- Both partners have to finish their exercise. Then Partner A does the power cleans and partner B does the presses.
- When both partners are done with both exercises, do 10 high-five push-ups together. This completes one round.
7. Partner Workout from BoxRox
Count the total reps for the score.
- 400-meter Run for Partner A while Partner B does Back Squats at 135 lbs. for men and 95 lbs. for women.
- Switch movements and repeat.
- 400-meter Run for Partner A while Partner B does Deadlifts at the same weight.
- Switch movements and repeat.
8. Angie Meets Annie from The Wod Life
Both partners do all the double-unders together. Then, break up the other exercise reps as needed.
- 50 Double-Unders each
- 200 Pull-Ups
- 40 Double-Unders each
- 200 Push-Ups
- 30 Double-Unders each
- 200 Sit-Ups
- 20 Double-Unders each
- 200 Squats
- 10 double-unders each
9. Roxy from Tangletown CrossFit
AMRAP for 20 minutes. Divide the following as needed. While one partner works, the other rests.
- 16 Burpee Box Jump Overs.
- 16 Box Jumps.
- 16 Clean and Jerk at 155 lbs. for men at 105 lbs. for women.
- 16 Bar Muscle-Ups or 20 Pull-Ups or 20 ring rows.
- 16 Deadlifts at the previously prescribed weights.
10. Frosted Flakes from Albany CrossFit
For time, split the workout as needed.
- 60 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups.
- 60-calorie Row.
- 15 Synchronized Overhead Squats at 95 lbs. for men or 65 lbs. for women.
- 10 Synchronized Overhead Squats at 115 lbs. for men or 75 lbs for women.
- 5 Synchronized Overhead Squats at 135 lbs. for men or 95 lbs for women.
11. Don’t Drop the Easter Egg from CrossFit PPG
Do 14 rounds for time. While one partner works, the other holds an Easter egg, which is either a 20-lb or 14-lb. med ball.
- 4 Pull-Ups.
- 6 Hand-Release Push-Ups.
- 8 Air Squats.
- 10 Box Jumps.
- 100-meter Run together while bringing the ball.
12. CrossFit PairUP ThrowDOWN 2021
This is an official CrossFit competition WOD. Each partner must do the listed number of movements at the same time as the other partner. The time cap is 35 minutes.
- 30 Synchro Deadlifts
- 30 Synchro Bar-Facing Burpees
- 400-meter Run
- 20 Synchro Deadlifts
- 20 Synchro Bar-Facing Burpees
- 400-meter Run
- 10 Synchro Deadlifts
- 10 Synchro Bar-Facing Burpees
- 400-meter Run
- Rest 5 min.
- 10 Synchro Thrusters
- 10 Synchro Pull-Ups
- 400-meter Run
- 20 Synchro Thrusters
- 20 Synchro Pull-Ups
- 400-meter Run
- 30 Synchro Thrusters
- 30 Synchro Pull-Ups
- 400-meter Run
And there you have it. Some fun, challenging and dynamic WODs to try out with a partner at your next CrossFit session. Have any others we should mention? We’d love to hear your suggestions, so feel free to reach out!